Tour guide gratuity Pick up and drop off outside of specified regions.
No tour pick ups in Downtown Orlando, Florida Mall, Orlando International Airport, Davenport, Private Residences or other areas not noted on pick up lists. Pick ups occur at the theme park regions of Orlando, International Drive, Universal, SeaWorld, Lake Buena Vista, Disney and Kissimmee highway 192 between SR535 and SR429.
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Not booked your hotel yet? Hotel not listed? Staying with a friend/family?
Don't worry, you can give us that information when you add this item to your cart.
Guests will be picked up directly from their hotel. You must schedule this with our office 24 hours prior to the date of tour
Our office is open daily 7am to 8pm EST. Our office can be contacted at / Phone or WhatsApp Messenger 1-407-522-5911.
Please stand outside of your hotel lobby at the time confirmed with our office staff. The Gray Line vehicle will arrive at the specified time