Upon arrival at Kennedy Space Center you will notice a new building located right next to the rocket garden. This is home to the Heroes and Legends attraction which houses the Astronauts Hall of Fame. This exhibit showcases those who made history for following their dreams and showing us the true grit of a hero.

Entering the attraction, you will first watch a show that is just as breathtaking as the opening to Atlantis. This perfectly sets the stage for the rest of the attraction by highlighting what everyone feels makes a hero. You are graced with words from previous Kennedy Space Center guests to astronauts.

The next stop is a 4D movie that transports you to the moment our heroes of the space program earned their titles. You feel what they felt and see how truly amazing they are. You see how these heroes have coped with inevitable defeat yet still come out on top as legends.

As you descend the stairs to the self-guided walk through portion you are met with the words “A Hero is…” and what follows are all the traits that we attribute to being a hero in separate capsule type areas. In each of these capsules are interactive videos, memorabilia, and stories that signify that trait. These are taken at your pace as you discover what the astronauts are made of to do what they do.

The tour ends with the astronaut hall of fame. As you enter you are greeted by a statue of Alan Shepard, who was the first American in space. The walls are adorned with those who were true heroes that became legends in our eyes. Each member of the hall of fame has a plaque dedicated to them including all the missions they were a part of. In the center of the room is an interactive area in which you can even take a selfie with your favorite Astronaut Hall of Fame member.

This attraction, like the rest of Kennedy Space Center, is one not to miss. It makes you see what a real hero is made of, and that the title of legend is not lightly given.
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