The new year is full of possibilities to live a better life than the one before. It is about celebrating life and creating new memories to cherish. This year go on adventures that are unexpected and worth every minute.
Join us on our many bucket worthy expeditions as we head to Kennedy Space Center, Crystal River to swim with Manatees, St. Augustine, Clearwater Beach, Miami, and more. Make 2017 the year you explore and become the traveler of your dreams. Book that adventure today!

Visit the new Heroes and Legend exhibit at Kennedy Space Center. With Gray Line you will also get an exclusive meet and greet with an astronaut upon arrival.

Head with us out to Crystal River to go swimming where the Manatees live. Theses gentle giants will leave you with a feeling of awe. Plus we head to a delicious diner after you work up an appetite.

St. Augustine is the oldest town in the US and a short walk down the cobblestone streets will prove that. Don’t forget to checkout the new tours we have added for this destination starting in 2017!

Florida is known as the Sunshine State and it does not disappoint. For that reason be sure to visit the number one rated beach on Trip Advisor Clearwater Beach! Soak up some vitamin D and maybe go on one of the many boat rides we offer!

A visit to Miami can be done in simply one day, when done with us. We show you all the hot spots in this vibrant city and have a blast while doing it!
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