Orlando is one of the top destinations for family trips during the holiday season. Due to this, it is time to start planning NOW! Here at Gray Line Orlando, we like to have fun and that is in no shortage on our holiday tours! Both our tours give you an inside look at celebrations that are unique to the area! And lucky for you we are running a Christmas in July sale on all holiday tours!
You can book either our Nights of Lights Celebration in St. Augustine or Snow, Ice and Gingerbread- Holiday Celebrations Orlando Style, or both!
During the Nights of Lights Celebration in St. Augustine you will be taken to the historic town of St. Augustine. Given a few hours to see the town before the sunsets you can explore the cobblestone street. Then it is time to board the Holly Jolly Trolley for a tour of the town that has been transformed. Millions of white lights now adorn every building in the town, creating a magical atmosphere. You will also be treated to caroling, hot cider, and homemade cookies. It is an unforgettable sight to add to your holiday.
On the Snow, Ice, and Gingerbread- Holiday Celebrations Orlando Style tour, you will visit a trifecta of locations. The first stop is the Grand Floridian Resort to see and smell the life-size gingerbread house! It is a true work of art that you will want to take a bite of! But don’t worry they have treats for purchase that are just as enticing! Next it is off to the Gaylord Palms for ICE! Upon arrival, you will be given a parka to keep you warm as it is very cold at 9 degrees in the “Florida Fridge”. While in the exhibit you will see hand carved ice sculptures that depict one of your favorite holiday stories, as well as ice slides! Afterwards you can get some hot chocolate to warm up with before making our way to the last location. The last stop is the town of Celebration, where you will be able to experience a Florida snowfall with holiday cheer in the town square. All in all, it is an evening that showcases Orlando’s holiday celebrations.
For our Christmas in July Event we are giving 15% off all holiday tours when you book now through July 31st. Simply use CHRISTMAS2017 at checkout on graylinorlando.com.
Book now as there are select dates and limited seats!

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