Football season is among us!
In small towns across the US students, parents, players, and cheerleaders gather for Friday Night Lights. They paint their faces and and dream of making it to the big leagues. There is no feeling quite like watching a live football game. The atmosphere of the stadium is like nothing you have ever felt, and whether you are a die hard fan, or not, you find yourself rooting for one side.

These feelings are magnified by 100 at a professional NFL game. These are the big leagues and what dreams are made of. It is not simply men in tights throwing around a pig skin. It is years of hard work coming to fruition for the leagues of supporters who never faltered.
Have you been there? Have you felt it? Have you seen a Daniel overcome a Goliath?
If you answered no to any of those questions, then do yourself a favor and join us to a Tampa Bay Buccaneers game. In the end it isn’t about the win or loose. It is about the grit and perseverance of the players and the fans. They never stop playing and never stop cheering. Rain or shine. Together they build the electricity you feel in the air of the stadium, that makes you feel alive like never before.

Book your tickets and transportation NOW!
Be part of the crowd and let yourself be swept up in the moment. After all it is only a moment and Sundays are made for living in those moments. #TheBucketLife #SightseeingEverywhere

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