Thank you, mom. Thank you for answering the phone at 2am no matter how tired you are. Thank you for always lending an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. Thank you for teaching me how to wish upon a star. Thank you for doing my laundry. Thank you for teaching me the difference between right and wrong. Thank you for giving me the strength to follow my dreams. Thank you for the unconditional support. In short, thank you for being you.

It is not said as often as it should be and one day is simply not enough to say it but we will do our best. Going on an adventure together is the best way to spend the day. We can take a million pictures because that is your favorite part of any trip, outing, or experience. It will be a day spent with you and nothing else could compare.

To say thank you to all the moms out there we are offering 12% off all tours with promo code MOM. Go on an adventure and let mom know how much she means to you. You might even see moms of different shapes and sizes like a manatee and her calf or an alligator with her hatchlings. Motherhood is a beautiful thing and we would all be a lot less behaved without their guidance. So thank you for teaching us the meaning of living #TheBucketLife.
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